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Ottfried Becker - Dr. Matthäus Much (1832-1909)

Dr. Matthäus Much (1832-1909)

Volume 42 2019
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Luise Güth - Die Blockparteien im SED-System der letzten DDR-Jahre

Die Blockparteien im SED-System der letzten DDR-Jahre

Volume 39 2018
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Christoph Aloysius Denter - Durchsetzung von Stadionverboten

Durchsetzung von Stadionverboten

Volume 215 2023
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Christoph Müller - Challenges and Opportunities in the Due Diligence Process

Challenges and Opportunities in the Due Diligence Process

Volume 92 2021
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Christian Schlicht - Methods of Measuring the Added Value of Facility Management for Generating Competitive Advantages

Methods of Measuring the Added Value of Facility Management for Generating Competitive Advantages

Volume 93 2021
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